A subjet I enjoyed this semester

Química para principiantes

I'm on my first year at the university, so the subjects are a little bit general in relation to what I'm studying, but I think that my favorite one could be General Chemestry, because it is something that I have always liked, and I would say that it's one of the easiest subjects for me this semester, because I have already seen almost all the contents that we're seeing now.

In classes we have already seen a lot of contents, like atomic structure, chemical bonds, inorganic nomenclature, stechiometry, chemical reactions and now we're seeing solutions, which I think it is our last content.

I really like the way that my teachers explain the contents, because I feel that everything is clear to me and also their classes are very interactive, like when they teach us molecular geometry and make us draw them on the screen. It was really fun. Anyway, I don't like the seminars of this class, they are really early and I'm not 100% active at that hour, so I prefer to do the exercices by myself and check the videos later.


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