
A subjet I enjoyed this semester

I'm on my first year at the university, so the subjects are a little bit general in relation to what I'm studying, but I think that my favorite one could be General Chemestry, because it is something that I have always liked, and I would say that it's one of the easiest subjects for me this semester, because I have already seen almost all the contents that we're seeing now. In classes we have already seen a lot of contents, like atomic structure, chemical bonds, inorganic nomenclature, stechiometry, chemical reactions and now we're seeing solutions, which I think it is our last content. I really like the way that my teachers explain the contents, because I feel that everything is clear to me and also their classes are very interactive, like when they teach us molecular geometry and make us draw them on the screen. It was really fun. Anyway, I don't like the seminars of this class, they are really early and I'm not 100% active at that hour, so I prefe

An Expert on my Field

                                                                  Gertrude Belle Elion Gertrude Belle Elion was a biochemist and a pharmacist borned in New York on January 23rd, 1918. When she was 15 years old, her grandfather died because of a cancer, that's why she felt interested in the area of science, especially in the research of new medicine. She got a magister at the University of New York, but she couldn´t get her doctorate because it was very difficult for a woman to study in those years. But when the second world war started many men had to leave, this made it easier for women to access to the scientific field. Gertrude discovered many important medicines, such as the azathioprine for organ transplants, the mercaptopurine for leukemia and the acyclovir for herpes, besides of helped in the creation of the first medicine against AIDS,the AZT. That is the reason why she got the Novel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1988 for discovering "key facts abou

A Singer I like

Chose my favoutite singer was very difficult to me, because I like to listen to music the most part of my days, from different types of singers and bands, so I have a lots who I think that are my favourites. After thinking a lot, I decided to talk about Camila Gallardo. She is a singer and songwritter who was born on November 2nd, 1996 in Viña del Mar, Chile. When she was 18, she went to a talent show called "The Voice" where she became know for her great voice, actually she won the second place there. After that, she started to release songs and sing in different places in Santiago, becoming more and more known. She plays folk and soul songs, with a little of pop and blues. And in her songs, she always put phrases related to social problems and feminism. I like her first of all because I think that she is so talented, she has a beautiful voice and sings so passionately in her concerts. Also I like the lyrics of his songs, some of them made me cry. I think t

A photograph I like

I really like this picture, because penguins are one of my favorite animals, I think that they are really cute and funny. This picture was taken by a Canadian photographer named Emmett Sparling on January 8th, 2020 in Boulders Beach, that it's located in Cape Town, South Africa. This picture shows African penguins, a species of penguins that are in danger of extinction since 2010. Specialist says that in a 100 years the populations of penguins has decreased 99%, so it's very probably that they can disappear in this century. Nowadays, there are only about a 55.000 African penguins, that is so sad because in the 20th century, the population of penguins was about a 1.5 millions.

My Favorite Piece of Technology

If I have to choose only one piece of technology, I would definitely choose my phone. My parents gave it to me two years ago because my last phone was stolen 😢 I really think that I'm addicted to use my phone, now more than ever, because of the quarentine situation . I spent about 9 hours a day using my phone, mostly using social networks, but also I use it to listen to music, chat with my friends, take pictures and play games. I like my phone because I can take it everywhere with me and use it everytime I need. If I couldn´t use my phone, I would feel really sad and I would get bored very quickly, so I hope that doesn't happen.

Why I chose my career?

When I was a child, I liked to pretend that I was a doctor, so I used to play that I had to cure all my toys and it was really fun! After a long time, when I was in high school, I realized that I also liked chemistry, so I was really confused about choosing one career. I liked the career of obstetrics, but I also liked a lot the idea of being pediatrician, but it was just after the 'PSU' that I decided to study Chemistry and pharmacy, because it's realated to chemistry and a little of the health area, so that was my first option at the moment of applying to the university. My experience at university untill now is very weird, because I don't know if I'm really learning with online classes and it's very stressful. About my future job, I'm interested in working in a hospital, but I'm not really sure yet.

My Autobiography

 Hi! today I'm going to talk about myself. I'm 18 years old and I was born in Santiago, Chile on 25th August. I did my elementary school in four different schools, so I can´t talk about one in particular. About my high school, I studied in "Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera" and this year I started studying chemistry and pharmacy at University of Chile. Also I would like to talk about my family, I live with my parents and my little brother, he is 4 years old and I like to take care of him. In my free time, I like watching series, one of my favourite is "Orphan Black" I think that the work of the actress is awsome.